Rhinoplasty Materials

It is very important to select the right material that is suitable for each individual cases since each implant has its own pros and cons.
Wonjin safely performs the surgery with the right material, based on and ergonomic analysis.


  • Ultra Soft Silicone
    • 1:1 custom made
    • Gives off a very natural nasal slope
    • Highly elastic and flexible
    • Adds three dimensional definition on every angles of the face
    • An upgrade version of pre-existing silicone with guaranteed safety
  • Silicone
    • As the most commonly used material for rhinoplasty, its safety is guaranteed
      through many clinical experiments
    • Low possibility of shape deformation and absorption
    • Rarely causes infections as it has minimal effects on skin tissues
    • Gives permanent definition to the nasal slope with strong supportive structure.
  • Gore-tex
    • Appropriate for thin skin
    • Integrates into the nasal structure as it has high tissue compatibility
      and porous material component
    • Softer and more natural than silicone implant
  • Silitex
    • Combined the advantages of silicone and gore-tex implants
    • Low possibility of shape deformation and absorption
    • Rarely causes infections as it has minimal effects on skin tissues
    • Appropriate for men’s rhinoplasty and to those who have thick skin
    • Gives permanent definition to the nasal slope with strong supportive structure.

02.Autologous Tissue

  • Septal Cartilage
    • Most commonly used rhinoplasty material located in between the nostrils
    • Usually used for raising the nasal tips
    • Low possibility of projection even for thin skin
    • Has high structural support to raise the nasal tip
    • Does not need complicated incisions as it is easy to harvest and engraft
  • Ear Cartilage
    • Achieves natural nasal tip with more elasticity than septal cartilage
    • Low possibility of projection even for thin skin
    • Harvested from the ears which has almost no functions and therefore is
      absolutely safe
  • Rib Cartilage
    • Used to reconstruct severely damaged nasal tips due to contracture
      and inflammation caused from the previous surgery.
    • Sufficient enough to raise the tip and has low infection rate.
    • Highly supportive and strong enough to withstand the re-absorption
  • Autologous Dermis
    • Low chance of complication as the skin is harvested from thighs and buttocks areas.
    • Used to give only minimal changes than to dramatically elevate the nasal bridge.
  • Autologous Fat
    • Low chance of complication as the fats are harvested from thighs and buttocks area.
    • Used to give only minimal changes than to dramatically elevate the nasal bridge.
    • Used for thin skin or reconstructive cases due to complications from the previous surgery
  • Autologous Fascia
    • Fibrous layer which covers the outer muscle, and harvested from inner fascia or legs
    • With thin and tender texture, it is used to wrap the implant
    • Prevents the skin of nasal tip from getting thinner and red due to pressure
      of the implant

03.Artificial Tissue

  • Renaderm
    • Material which minimized complications by eliminating all irritable cells
      within the dermis
    • Appropriate for thin skin due to its naturalness
  • Alloderm
    • Material which eliminated any possibility of immune reaction by extracting only
      substrates after getting rid of cells from human dermis
    • Creates very natural nasal bridge and tip with real skin-like texture
  • Medpor
    • Highly adhesive artificial material with micro-sized holes which enables clinging to skin
      and tissue
    • Usually used to dramatically elevate the nasal pillar (However, it is more used as
      a substitute material for septal cartilage)

04. Filler

Filler injection is a simple method to elevate the nasal height and it is recommended to those who do not prefer
implant insertion or any rhinoplasty procedures. Wonjin only uses FDA approved filler products for utmost safety and provides the best outcomes
with meticulous filler techniques.

  • Restylane

  • Juvederm

  • Artecol